City Manager
City Clerk
City Attorney
Public Services Department
Volunteer Fire and Rescue
Planing and Zoning Department
City Manager, Chief Administration Officer

Marcus Collins,
City Manager |
Council-Manager Form of Government
In the Council-Manager form of government, the Council is the governing body of the city elected by the public, and the City Manager is a Charter Officer of the city and hired by Council to carry out the policies it establishes. The Williston City Council consists of six members including a Mayor, Council President and Vice-president. The Council selects the latter two and the Mayor is elected by the people as defined in the city charter. Council elections are nonpartisan.
The Council provides legislative direction while the Manager is responsible for day-to-day administrative operation of the city based on the Council's recommendations. The Council as a collegial body are responsible for setting policy, approving the budget, and determining the tax rate. The Manager serves as the Council's chief advisor. The City Manager also serves at the pleasure of the Council and is responsible for preparing the budget, directing day-to-day operations, and hiring and firing personnel with the exception of the Police, and Fire Departments which answer to the elected Mayor.
The mayor is a member of the legislative body but does not have the power to vote on legislative actions.
The City Manager is also the focal point for Economic Development and the Airport and Industrial Park and is the Purchasing Agent for the city.
City Hall
50 NW Main Street
P.O. Box 160
Williston, FL 32696
Phone: (352) 528-3060
Fax: (352) 528-2877
City Manager: Marcus Collins
City Clerk: Valerie Anderson
Finance Director: Marisela Barcenas
City Clerk
The City Clerk is a Charter Officer of the City, the Grants Coordinator and also the Human Resource and Risk Manager. The City Clerk gives notice of all City Council meetings to the members of the Council and the public as required by law, attends all such meetings in person or by designee and keeps minutes of the proceedings. The Clerk authenticates by signature, and is the records custodian of all ordinances, resolutions and other City documents. The Clerk is also the supervisor of elections for the City.
Board vacancies available in the following: Community Redevelopment Agency Membership
Board of Adjustments / Code Enforcement
Citizen Advisory Committee
Employment Opportunities:
There is an opening for a Accounts Payable / Accounts Receivable / Customer Service person within the City of Williston.
City Attorney - Norm Fugate
The City Attorney serves as chief legal advisor to the City Council, the City Manager, the City Clerk and all City departments, offices and agencies. The Attorney represents the City in all legal proceedings and may coordinate joint counsel actions if the City Council at its discretion retains additional legal counsel to represent the City in specific actions, proceedings or matters.
Public Services Department
50 NW Main Street
P.O. Box 160
Williston, FL 32696
Phone: (352) 528-3060
Fax: (352) 528-0390
ELECTRIC - C.J. Zimoski
Annual Water Quality Report
The City of Williston Finance Department's primary responsibilities are to oversee and manage the financial related activity of the City, including budget, purchasing and contracts, grant administration, investments, revenue, payroll, debt, utility billing and collection, and other accounting and financial reporting. Provides advice to the City's elected and appointed officials on issues affecting the current and future financial affairs of the City. Also provides financial support to operating departments and reports accurate and timely financial information to the City Council, management, citizens of Williston and other government entities.
The department maintains reasonable internal controls to safeguard the City's assets. Ensure the timely and accurate recording of transactions in accordance with generally accepted government accounting standards and applicable laws or regulations. Overall, the Finance Department's mission is to provide sound financial management, assistance and dependable advice relative to the City's decision making process with the best interest of the citizens and taxpayers.
The 2010 - 2011 City Budget
Fiscal Year 2009 Audited Financial Statements
Special Message to our customers: 2010 utility services during this hurricane season
Planing and Zoning Department
Points of contact: Adam Hall and Nan Mack
Code of Ordinances
Special Zoning notice - Notice of Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket NO. 08-PEFE1-NOI-3807-(A)-(I)