Newly opened Botanical Gardens in Williston, FL
The Grand Opening and First Annual Spring Festival at Cedar Lakes Woods and Gardens, Inc. will be celebrated April 18 – 19. All are invited to attend with ½ price admission being offered (adults $6; children $3). Vendors will be available with arts and crafts, plants, garden décor, and many other items. There will be live music from noon-5 each day and food vendors in attendance for the entire event. This is non-profit garden that has been under development for over 21 years and was well worth the wait!
About the Garden:
The Gardens came about as one imaginative man’s dream to remake an abandoned 100 year old lime rock quarry into a 20 acre Eden of beauty and life. There are over 50 individual, unique gardens all hand built, ponds full of Koi fish, Blue Catfish, Bass, and many other species. The ponds are home to a pair of Mute Swan, who are about to raise their first clutch of cygnets, plus many other of nature’s creatures.
There are many resting places as one winds down into the garden. There are islands, picnic tables, bridges and pathways throughout the old quarry. Once in the garden, the idea of quarry disappears. The Oriental influences surround visitors while waterfalls help refresh garden guests.
Come join the staff and the garden’s creator in this wonderful celebration on April 18-19 from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. The address is: 4990 NE 180th Ave, Williston, FL 32696. For questions or directions please call: 352.529.0055 or 352.812.2279
Check out our web page:
Contact people: Lori Wallace or Ray Webber